Returning from exile is risky business…
We came back from Australia after 4 years of absence in 2014. We wanted to, upon return, change the niche, which our business was operating in. That change has taken place.
The price to pay for this change has been to have to work extremely hard to get recognition in new fields. Fortunately, we had a great deal of experience in design and production when that transition has taken place. We had to invest the efforts to innovate in fields where the principal actors are well established. To penetrate the funeral market, we did our homework, made a market study to see clearly the path to follow.
We then developed a range of products, which meets the needs of the field. Our Volute series of funeral products contains some interesting innovations, which makes the work of the funeral homes easier both at the level of sale and at the level of use.
- Each urn is exclusive… The silver leaves décor applied in a random manner gives not only prestige to our urns but makes everyone of them unique answering, at the same time, the human desire to stand out.
- The closing of the urns is achieved with a threaded pitch specially manufactured for our products. This innovation facilitates the cremation specialist’s work, where gluing the lid is not required anymore. This closing system also allows the family to re-open the urns to scatter the ashes at their moment of choice, if desired.
- Double urns exist in different materials, not in glass. That was true before we created our range of products. Our complementary double urns allow the couples to remain united even after death. The convex and concave shapes fit together to combine the loved ones in the same columbarium.
This unique design pleases us exceptionally. These cutting-edge products with high market potential are made with pride by local crafts people.
To complete the range of products, we have an assorted keepsake as well as a keepsake jewel.
It is gold dust, which is going in those urns; it should be put in a container of light.
Every change entails risks… It is this desire for a change, which revealed itself as a driver for innovation.