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BOULE en verre soufflé, filigrane mauve et orangeBOULE en verre soufflé blanche rouge et violette, Patrick Primeau


51.00$60.00$ (USD)

To:     ∗ thank a marvellous teacher ∗ hang to a tree or in front of a window ∗ celebrate friendship ∗ indulge yourself 



Nothing beats these filigree blown glass balls to highlight thightly knit relationships. To offer them is a celebration of those beautiful friendships. These glass balls will be delivered to you ready to hang. The venitian technique of filigree is used to blow these colourful ball that we keep around all year round. Be it to let them swirl in front of a window or display them in your centerpiece, they will always look fabulous…

Designed and handmade by Patrick Primeau at STUDIO WELMO creative space.

9 cm x 10 cm (3.5  » x 4 »)


  • white
  • blue
  • orange
  • red
  • green
  • purple